
Sequences #

Lists in Environment Diagrams #

Lists can represented with box and pointer notation (similarly to functions); however, unlike functions, each element in the array has its own box, and is index labelled.

Basic box and pointer notation

What this implies is that assigning a variable to another list will not create a copy of that list, but rather point towards the same list — this ends up being a correct assumption to make.

Code Assumption

Each box can either hold a value (for example a number or a string), or an object (for example, a function, another list, or a Class).

Tougher box and pointer notation

List Slicing #

Slicing a list creates a new list (as in it points to a separate list). The behaviour is very similar to the range() function — it starts on the first ‘argument’ provided, ends on the number right before the second ‘argument’, with step of the third ‘argument’. In this case however, the separator is : rather than ,. If there is no argument provided next to the :, it defaults to 0.

The syntax is lst[<start>:<end>:<step_size>]

Below are some examples:

lst = [1, 2, "bananas"]
lst[0:] # [1, 2, "bananas"]
lst[:2] # [1, 2]
lst[1:] # [2, "bananas"]
lst[::2] # [1, "bananas"]

This behaviour also works with strings:

string = "benbaron"
string[3:] # "baron"
string[:3] # "ben"

Small Practice Problems #

Recursion in Lists #

Imagine summing the numbers in a list but using recursion rather than iteration or the sum() function.

def sum_numbers(lst):
    '''Returns the sum of the numbers in lst
    >>> sum_numbers([2, 3, 4])

We could implement the function above using list comprehension:

def sum_numbers(lst):
    '''Returns the sum of the numbers in lst
    >>> sum_numbers([2, 3, 4])
    if lst == []: # base case
        return 0
        return lst[0] + sum_numbers(lst[1:]) 
        # takes the first number and 
        # recursively calls the function on a smaller list.

Reversing a String (Recursively) #

def reverse_string(word):
    '''Reverse the string provided in word
    >>> reverse_string("ben")

Our base case here would be when the word provided is an empty string.

def reverse_string(word):
    '''Reverse the string provided in word
    >>> reverse_string("ben")
    if word == "":
        return ""
        return reverse_string(word[1:]) + word[0]
        # keep in mind the order of the operation above matters
        # word[0] is put afterwards because
        # that should be added up later

Built-in functions for Iterables #

Function Description
sum(iterable, start) Returns the sum of the values in iterable, with a starting sum of start (defaults to 0)
all(iterable) Returns True if all the values of iterable are Truthy values (or if the iterable is empty), else returns False
any(iterable) Returns True if any of the values of iterable are Truthy, else returns False
max(iterable, key=None) Returns the maximum value in iterable
min(iterable, key=None) Returns the minimum value in iterable

Examples of the built-in functions #

sum([3, 2, 1], 50) # 56

any([True, False, False, False]) # True
any([3, 2, 1, 0]) # True
all([3, 2, 1]) # True
all([True, False, False, False]) # False

max([3, 2, 1]) # 3
max(["a", "b", "c"]) # "c"
max(range(10)) # 9

# the 'key' parameter can be used to compare certain elements in an array:
coords = [[1, 2], [4, 3], [3, 90]]
max(coords, key = lambda x: x[0]) # [4, 3] (x iterates through coords and then checks the max value of the first element)